Spring/Summer, 2020
rapid transit has expanded across York Region
With the opening of the 12.6-kilometre vivaNext rapidway project on Highway 7 West in November and along Bathurst & Centre in January, Viva rapid transit in dedicated bus lanes has expanded across Vaughan – and York Region.
There are now 22 kilometres of rapidway in service along Highway 7. Stretching across Vaughan, Richmond Hill and Markham, it extends from Bruce Street through to Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, along Centre and Bathurst Streets to Richmond Hill Centre Terminal all the way to Warden Station on Enterprise Boulevard in Markham. Close to three quarters of the rapidway along Highway 7 is in Vaughan!
This project connects Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, the Richmond Hill-Langstaff Urban Growth Centre and Downtown Markham: three significant employment, recreation and residential centres – and links to the TTC Line 1 subway, as well as YRT bus routes and GO services. Another significant step for transit connections will be the upcoming opening of the 6.5-kilometre Yonge Street rapidway project in Richmond Hill later this year.
With final touches being completed along the corridors, the rapidways will shape the future of our communities with assets needed for many generations to enjoy.
For our update on COVID-19, please continue to scroll down

infographic illustartions showing fun stats of project:
- 7.8 km of raised bike lanes + 2.2 km of shared-use path on Hwy 7
- Multi-use path over Hwy 400 is 800 m
- 12.6 km length of project on Hwy 7 West and Bathurst & Centre
- 956 tonnes of concrete were poured on the expanded Hwy 400 bridge deck on Hwy 7
- 10 vivastations and 20 canopies
- 930 trees planted
- 11,000 shrubs planted

what's happening now
Crews are currently completing deficiency and warranty work, where required, to make sure that the end product meets the requirements we set out to build. That's why you'll see work activity in the first couple of years after infrastructure projects are done, as it's a two‐year warranty period. Read more on our blog: "Warranty & deficiency work ensures quality for years to come".
Crews are repairing outstanding items, also planting trees and shrubs, and completing permanent line painting and crosswalks on Bathurst and Centre Streets and along Highway 7 West. We're also paving raised bike lanes, and adding the final finishing touches to stations, such as anti-graffiti application and caulking.

The City of Vaughan and the rest of York Region are proud of its many recreational parks and green spaces that enhance the beauty of our towns and cities. When all is said and done, there will be 930 new trees and 11,000 shrubs, plants and flowers along Highway 7 West and Bathurst & Centre Streets. Our challenge with new plantings is to get them to thrive in the first two years, but luckily, all new plants and trees come with a two-year warranty! Our buses are blue, but we think green! Read more on our blog: "Our plants are born survivors"

transit connections bring new growth

Rapid transit networks – including subway, bus rapid transit and terminals – are bringing proven benefits to York Region's Centres and Corridors, including new businesses and residents, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and fewer collisions. Having investments in place today will stimulate growth and create a powerful effect on the local economy for generations to come.

Questions about the vivaNext projects during COVID-19? Connect with your Community Liaison
In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the Province's safety guidelines for construction sites, the contractor has implemented numerous measures to ensure the health and safety of all workers. We will also continue to be responsive to the direction of the Province of Ontario, York Region and Public Health Officials during this evolving situation.

thank you!
I would like to thank you for your patience, understanding and feedback through all the disruptions that come with long-term construction. With gratitude, I wish everyone the best – especially the local residents and businesses I connected so often with during the project. I'm available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the project.
For more information on VivaNext Construction, please contact our Community Liaison.

your York Region contacts
- Transit Services Customer Service
www.yrt.ca - York Region Roads Department
1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
transportation@york.ca - York Region Property Services
Agnes Feher
905-830-4444 ext. 71798